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Surf City Days Healthy Family Option to Wet Electric Rave


QUESTION: What does''Wet Electric Rave have that Surf City Days doesn't have'' On Saturday, September 14, 2013, thousands of people are expected to take to the beach in Huntington Beach. Some will head for Brookhurst Street entrance for the Wet Electric Rave, while others will head for Main Street / Pier Plaza for Surf City Days. If you are looking for family fun and eco-conscious themes, the better choice is Surf City Days, a family event that promises to provide wholesome beach entertainment for free. Rave vs. Days

  • Swimsuits, beaches, music' They both have that. In fact, Surf City Days has live bands--Wet Electric Rave does not.
  • Tanned bodies, water, Bud Light' Wet Electric Rave serves the Bud-- Surf City Days 'only advertises it as a sponsor in a non-alcohol event.
  • Roped off areas for play' They both have that.
  • Fees for admission' Surf City Days City Surfing Contest and The Wet Electric Rave both charge a fee to participate, but Surf City Days is free.
The BIG difference that is creating a ruckus and causing the City of HB to go to court in an attempt to stop Wet Electric Rave is BOOZE, plain and simple. The 21+ event touts cash bars, discounts for liquor "happy hours" and drink minimums are unheard of on Huntington Beaches. Never in the history of the city can anyone remember or fathom opening up cocktails bars, then pushing the alcohol-imbibed crowd out onto the roads at 9 p.m. after 9 hours of 'drinking.

What remains unanswered:
  • Who holds final authority to approve or disapprove events such as a rave'
  • What happened in the process to cause California State Parks and Huntington State Beach to ignore or break its own posted rules that no alcohol may be sold at special events'
  • Who ultimately will be held liable should someone die of drug overdose'
  • Does California State Parks adhere to California Coastal Commission regulations by blocking off beaches and charging special fees'
  • Has the newly assigned State Parks Director, retired Marine Corps major general Anthony Jackson, given the green light for this Wet Electric Rave'
'Finally, what does all this mean for Huntington Beach and other beach cities in California'

In its promotional materials, Huntington Beach touts its miles of uninterrupted beaches open free to the public. Can public beaches in Huntington Beach and other cities be purchased for private, ticketed events, and if so, what are the rules and regulations for doing so' 'Huntington State Beach literature has said that the public cannot be stopped from accessing private beach events because the beaches are public. It continues to state that in information about weddings and events on the beach.

These questions require answers in shaping the future of our public beaches. There will be a completely different landscape should California State Parks and Huntington State Beach be vindicated for its decision to host a rave party, and many such events be permitted in the future. Will public beaches be available to the highest bidder in the future, and will HB risk becoming another Malibu in which homeowners manage to thwart the public's efforts to access public beaches'