Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District

Board Agendas & Minutes


The Downtown Huntington Beach Business Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information, and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest. It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in order to achieve an exemplary life style.



BID Board Meeting Notes      07/21/09


Present:   Connie, Lee, Stephanie, Steve, Sue, Aaron), Bill, Susie, Michael written proxy for  Craig

Absent:   Lee    *Excused absence : Nicole


Presentation By:  Councilman Joe Carchio, on the 'Surf City Savings,' program. Which started out as test pilot program in parts of the city, and now is being taken citywide. It provides 'free' opportunities to place coupons on the city site. The program is being well advertised. Connie stated the BID also has a free coupon program for BID members at


I.   Susie opened the meeting 2:20pm


II.               Approval of Meeting Minutes- Bill motioned to approve 6-23-09 minutes, 2nd Susie, motion passed


III.           Financial Report- Stephanie reported that there was $87,000.00 in the bank.

Bill motioned to approve the June Financials, 2nd Susie, motion passed-Reports on file


IV.           Old Business


A.     Parking update- Steve reported on the parking meeting Susie, Connie and he had with the city Manager with the presentation of the BID Boards parking fee suggestions.  Connie informed the Board the chamber wants Susie to meet with them in regard to the BID parking fee suggestions. Steve had an updated parking Study that just became available.  Connie to contact the Chamber to get their suggested parking fee structure.

B.     Maintenance Agreement-Bill reported he had the three bids in and the city requested we take the lowest BID.  Bill suggested one of the three contractors  he felt could do the job needed.  Bill motioned the BID present the suggested contractor to the city, 2nd Stephanie, motion passed. Contractor name on file.

C.     Downtown Specific Plan-Susie reported on a letters we received in regard the Cultural Feasibility Study. Open discussion on whether the BID Board is open to another location having a liquor license.  The board decided not to take any official stand at this time.  Letters on file


V.              New Business


  A. General Membership meeting announcement-Gallagher's                   

                  August 12th 5:00-7:00pm

B.     Harbor Distributor & Crown Imports Taxi Cab Voucher's 'Public Safety' program for the US Open-Susie explained the offer that came to the BID, however too late for this year. BID Board likes the public safety aspect of the marketing and look forward to working with them on possible multiple events. Susie to inquire about their non- alcohol beverages. Correspondence on file

C.    2009-2019 BID Budget Proposal-Stephanie went over each line item and was decided that the Board needs to dedicate 'special' budget meeting was called for Tuesday July 28th 2:00pm BID office.

Steve Daniel became upset that he is not involved in the planning of

Halloween and Susie said e-mails and phone calls had been placed to

him requesting the past files on Halloween and reminding him of

the Ambassadors meeting and the beginning event coordination process. She continued to say, correspondence from BID to Steve is on file. Michael, the Ambassador Chairman said because of the cost factor in the past ranging from 10-13K the Ambassadors wanted to create a more cost effective event to at least pay for itself, or stay within the budgeted amount, and to also to engage more BID members in the process.  Michael read what some of the Ambassador ideas are to date.



Meeting Adjourned 3:56 pm.  Next regularly scheduled board meeting August 18th @ 2:00 pm BID Office



 Meeting Round Rules


*Respect each other's time: be on time and stay for the entire meeting          

*Avoid side conversations *State your position first then explain the point (agenda items)

 *Help create a nonjudgmental environment where ideas have value and creativity is encouraged

 *Hold all non-agenda items until the entire agenda has been addressed *Turn off cell phones


* The Bid President will manage the discussion in order to achieve meetings goal





Connie Pedenko, Executive Director/Consultant

                                                             Office number (714) 536-8300  E-Mail

412 Olive Street, Suite 149 Huntington Beach, CA  92648