Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District

Board Agendas & Minutes


The Downtown Huntington Beach Business Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information, and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest. It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in order to achieve an exemplary life style.


HBDBID Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes



Present: Steve Daniel, Ron McLin, Bill Cuppy, Brett Barnes, Bob Bolen, Steve Grabowski, Susie Smith & Connie Pedenko

Absent: Stephanie Inbody, Tony Motakef (excused absence)

Steve Daniel- Opened meeting at 3:05 PM

RE: Approval of Minutes-03-18--08

' Motion to Approve by Bill, 2nd Ron , motion passed

RE: Financial Report- Steve G.

' Steve G. expressed that all future financial reports go out directly from him.
' No financial report was reported or submitted for file
' Assessment financial figures that are due the BID were discussed and Steve G. wanted clarification on just how this is to be billed. The conclusion was to bill out what has been spent.

RE: Old Business

' Chili At The Beach-Susie reported the event is going according to plan and the Ambassadors all have their assigned task. The goal is to make this event as financially self sufficient as possible.
' City/BID Surf City Nights agreement- Bob Bolen took the lead in the discussion, where he identified many areas in the agreement that made no sense, which the Board members agreed He also pointed out the organizations liability insurance may not be enough to cover an accident of great magnitude. The agreement is to be reviewed by the BID'S attorney and Steve D. will formulate a letter to the city, with the assistance of Bob Bolen.
' Business Development Committee-Was tabled again for further Board review.

RE: New Business/Non Agenda

' Surf City Nights-Connie reported that she met with the Music Factory to go over more details on the upcoming, Surf City Idol Contest. Open discussion on the cost of the weekly entertainment, and seeking out an alternative solution to cut costs. Susie is to take the lead and Connie to assist.

Connie has negotiated with the Farmers Market Coordinator, Lee Ostendorf, to take responsibility of the weekly porter service for the event, which will save the BID $576.00, monthly.

' Downtown Specific Plan meeting- discussion on the downtown parking needs. It has been determined that Bob and Bill Cuppy will spearhead some discussion groups with the downtown merchants and the surrounding residence.

Meeting Adjourned - 3:30 PM. Next meeting Tuesday, May 20th 2008 at IHop at 1:30 PM




Connie Pedenko, Executive Director

Cell (714) 655-0569 E-Mail

412 Olive Street, Suite 149 Huntington Beach, CA  92648